Mastering Menopause Fat Loss


 Personalized coaching to conquer menopause symptoms,

lose fat, and feel like YOU again. 

 You'll go from feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and hopeless


Empowered, Energized, and In-control of your body again

Our Services

Hormone Testing 

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1:1 Coaching

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Fitness Programming 

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Who We Work With & Why

We are a women’s nutrition, health and fitness company that focuses on women’s hormones particularly during perimenopause and onwards.


We know women will struggle with symptoms like::

  • Weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Hot flashes + night sweats
  • Brain fog + Irritability
  • Poor sleep
  • Bloating 
  • Insulin resistance

... Despite not changing ANYTHING

(And all the things you used to do to lose weight aren’t working anymore)


But we know that your body is now inherently different



Our mission

is to teach women about how their bodies have changed so you can finally reach your health and fitness goals, feel in control of your body again and live a life full of vitality!

Our 3-Phase Coaching  Method 

Phase 1:

Priming the Metabolism

This phase focuses on:
  • Improving energy + sleep
  • Decreasing bloating and improve digestion
  • Balancing hormones and decreasing hormonal symptoms
  • Decreasing cravings
  • Boosting Metabolism
  • Priming your body for fat loss 
When you start you will go through a series of assessments to help us figure out how to solve the things holding YOUR body back! You can watch the video on those assessments below
Watch here

Phase 2:

Fat Loss + Toning

Now that you did such a great job of priming your body metabolism we can accelerate fat loss!  The best part is there is we don’t cut out your favourite foods and your coach is there for accountability and support every step of the way. 
Even when we reduce your calories we ensure that we maintain all the results you achieved in phase 1 (energy, digestion, sleep, hormonal symptoms)

Phase 3:

Results That Last

We don’t stop there - we teach you how to come out of your fat loss phase WITHOUT gaining weight back so you never have to diet again!


This is what most coaching programs don't provide, but is IMPORTANT for lasting success after fat loss. 


The coaching program focusses on giving you the tools you need in order to be successful on your own outside of the program. We want to not only transition you out of fat loss, we also want to ensure YOU understand how to keep it off. 

 Meet the CEO

Stephanie Crassweller (Fusnik)


Hi, I'm Stephanie!


I am passionate about LIVING life because, honestly, it is SHORT. I learned this first hand when I lost my mom suddenly in 2022. She made me promise to LIVE and ENJOY life. She told me to follow my passions. So I have and always will. You see I have been in the health and fitness field since 2011 and watching women take control of their lives and actually LIVE again lights my soul on fire. I’ve heard crazy things my clients have been told like how menopause is something you just need to “get through”. But it is not “just how it is now”. And just because your symptoms are “common” does not mean it is “normal”. You know your body better than anyone else and there is nothing more defeating than having the words “your labs look normal” uttered to you in a doctors appointment when you feel AWFUL. I am here to advocate for you, to validate your concerns and tell you are not crazy. I am not going to say “eat less, move more”. We dig deep to figure out the root cause of your symptoms so you can LIVE again (and that includes eating your favourite foods and carbs!)

I have always had a passion for helping others, sports, health and fitness which led to me pursue a BSc. in Kinesiology. I started my personal training career during my 2nd year of university and instantly fell in love. During my undergrad I trained everyone from athletes, and firefighters to "average Joes" with chronic conditions. I then got my exercise therapist designation and NSCA Strength and Conditioning and completed my MSc. in Kinesiology. This led to me to work as an exercise therapist for the health region focusing on chronic disease management. I realized I wanted to help clients even more so I went on to get 2 diplomas in Manual Osteopathic Therapy and my Neurokinetic Therapy certifications. I then opened my own clinic - Vitality Osteopathic and Exercise Therapy - where I offered osteopathy, online and in person training. We have since expanded to be a multidisciplinary clinic with a growing team. Clients saw great success in improving pain, mobility and weight loss but something was missing - nutrition. I became very frustrated hearing what my clients had been through with the health care system and past coaches. So I set out to learn as much as I could about fixing health, metabolism, and stress responses- and how they affected women - specifically with women entering perimenopause and onwards.

I was sick of the cookie cutter approaches I was seeing online. I quickly pursued my nutrition coaching designation so that I could make a bigger impact on my client's lives. Now I run a thriving business with a wonderful team of coaches who help women improve their health and navigate peri-menopause every single day with 1-on-1, specialized coaching and care.


 Want to know how your Metabolism is working for you?


Take our FREE online Menopause Metabolism Quiz. It will show you what stage your metabolism might be in, and how you can make FAT LOSS work for you again